Tuesday, February 20, 2007

back in Austin

So, after a weekend of galvanting around in our nation's capitol, I returned to Austin. Monday night, I partook in the 4th bi-annual Crown vs. Ginny's Bone to Own tournament. I only played one game, which I won, but us crownies didn't seem to need much help. We stomped the Ginny-atrics 11-3. We didn't even need to play the last round. That's how completely we destroyed them. We rule.

Then again, at the level we're playing, 70% of the outcome is dependent on the bones you draw.

In other news, I think I've decided to toss my hat in the ring for the Texas Water Safari this June. It's a badass 260 mile canoe race. That is, if Ginger will paddle with me. She holds the record for oldest female to finish the race solo. She's a bit of a bad-ass herself. And an amazing canoe driver.

We'll have to see if my 2nd year defense preparation will throw a monkey wrench in the gears. I'd really love to put this feather in my cap though...

1 comment:

Twentysomething said...

hey stranger. update.